Posts Tagged ‘bacon’

The Bacon Weave Quesadilla

Bacon Weave QuesadillaI heard that you can lose a ton of weight by following a keto diet while still basically eating as much as you want so I figured I’d give it a try.

You obviously can’t eat tortillas while following a low carb diet, so what was I supposed to do when I was a mere 12 hours into this new lifestyle and wanted a quesadilla? Well, I suppose I just could have gone to the … CONTINUE READING »

Bacon Weave Breakfast Tacos

Bacon Weave Breakfast TacosFor the second year in a row now I’m working with the Wisconsin Pork Producers Association to create unique pork-based recipes. In case you’ve missed any of my previous posts you can click here to check out the different dishes I’ve come up with so far.

While looking back at the five recipes I’ve already done for them I noticed one small problem. There wasn’t a single recipe that involved bacon. Seeing as how pork … CONTINUE READING »

Cheddar Bacon Ranch Pull Apart Bread

Cheddar Bacon Ranch Pull Apart BreadThis post is part of a series I’m working on for Black Creek Cheese. We formed a partnership out of a love for big flavor and bold cheeses. In case you’ve missed any of my previous posts you can click here to check out all the cheesy dishes I’ve come up with so far.

Football season officially kicks off in a few days and like pretty much everything else since March, I’m guessing that … CONTINUE READING »

Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Encrusted Bacon

Flamin' Hot Cheetos Encrusted BaconI’m on day six of this COVID-19 quarantine and I’ve already run out of things to deep fry so I’ve resorted to coating slices of bacon in Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and eating those.

Honestly though, this Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Encrusted Bacon doesn’t taste too bad!

Yep, after making things like Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Breaded Cheese Bun Sliders, Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Breaded Deep Fried Ice Cream, Deep Fried Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Breaded SPAM RingsCONTINUE READING »

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