Posts Tagged ‘deep fried food’

Keto Jalapeño Poppers

Just because you’re following a keto or low carb diet doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy fried jalapeño poppers! Just swap out the breadcrumbs for crushed up pork rinds and you’re all set!

Keto Jalapeño Poppers

Thanks to Utah Pork for sponsoring this post!

There are so many keto jalapeño popper recipes that just skip the breadcrumbs altogether, but to me the crunch of the breading is part of what makes jalapeño poppers such a great appetizer.


The Corn Dog Grilled Cheese

I call this a Corn Dog Grilled Cheese because well, I took a grilled cheese sandwich, added some hot dogs to it, dunked it in corn dog batter and deep fried it.

The Corn Dog Grilled CheeseWhy call it a Corn Dog Grilled Cheese and not a Grilled Cheese Corn Dog? Because to me something being called a corn dog signifies that it’s on a stick, which this sandwich wasn’t. 

If you are looking for other unique corn dog … CONTINUE READING »

Mini Corn Dogs

These mini corn dogs are great as a snack, as an appetizer or for when you feel like bragging to your friends about how you just ate 20 corn dogs at once.Mini Corn Dogs
Vienna Beef recently sent me a box of goodies in the mail containing hot dogs, buns, relish, mustard, sport peppers and celery salt — basically everything you need to make Chicago style hot dogs. Also included in that box was a package of … CONTINUE READING »

The Deep Fried Ice Cream Pop-Tarts Sandwich

Jeni’s Ice Creams recently did a collab with Pop-Tarts and released a Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon ice cream flavor and were nice enough to send me six pints of it to try. It was absolutely delicious on its own, but even better when I deep fried it and used two Frosted Brown Sugar Pop-Tarts to make an ice cream sandwich!The Deep Fried Ice Cream Pop-Tarts SandwichI started out by spooning a pint of the ice cream into a 7 1/2″ … CONTINUE READING »

I Deep Fried a One Pound Snickers Bar!

Have you ever wondered what a one pound Snickers bar would look like if you deep fried it? Well, now you don’t have to!
I Deep Fried a One Pound Snickers Bar!

I got a giant one pound Snickers bar as a gift at a late family Christmas celebration and after staring at it as it sat on my kitchen counter for the past weeks weeks I came up with the genius idea of deep frying it.


I’ve actually made deep fried CONTINUE READING »

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