Here in Milwaukee we got our first snowfall of the season on October 31st, which just so happens to be the day that trick or treat takes place in my neighborhood.
I’m guessing that it was a bummer for all the kids who live around me because normally we get about 200 trick or treaters and this year we only had half that. It ended up working out pretty well for me though since I ended up with a ton of leftover candy.
Did I purposely buy way too much candy hoping that the snow and cold would keep all the kids away thus leaving me with extra Twix, Snickers and Milky Way chocolate bars? Maybe…. OK, I definitely did that… I definitely bought way too much candy and it went exactly according to plan!
So what did I do with my stash of leftover candy? I ate about 15 pieces of it when I went out drinking the following night and came home hungry at 2am — at least that’s how many candy bars I think I ate based on the amount of wrappers I found on my kitchen counter the next morning — and then I took the rest of the candy and I deep fried it!
I did something similar last year when I took a bunch of candy bars, stuck them on corn dog sticks, dipped them in batter and deep fried them, but I actually prefer this version instead since they’re bite-sized.
The amount of batter in the recipe below was enough to deep fry 25 mini candy bars, but if you want to do the same thing with regular-sized candy bars it’s probably enough for about five of them. Just be sure to freeze your candy bars before deep frying them or they’re going to melt way too quickly leaving you with a pretty big mess in your deep fryer. I learned that one the hard way….

Deep Fried Candy Bars Recipe
- 2 quarts oil for frying
- 25 mini candy bars
- 1 cup cornmeal
- 1 cup flour
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 4 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 egg
- 1 cup milk
- 1 cup chocolate syrup
- 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
Heat oil in deep fryer or heavy skillet to 375°F.
Slide each candy bar onto a toothpick and freeze them for one hour.
In a bowl, combine cornmeal, flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Stir in egg and milk.
Transfer batter to a glass and dip the candy bars one by one into the batter.
Fry candy bars for 1 1/2 minutes or until golden brown.
Drain candy bars on paper towels and top with powdered sugar and chocolate syrup.