Have you ever wanted to bite into a golden brown corn dog only to taste warm mayonnaise instead of a hot dog? If so, this recipe is for you! I’m not sure what exactly possessed me to make corn dogs that have mayonnaise instead of hot dogs in the middle. Maybe it was watching my buddy The Vulgar Chef make a mayonnaise pie with a Doritos crust or maybe I just love barely being able to squeeze into clothing that fit me perfectly fine a mere six months ago but either way, here we are!
What’s even worse is that I didn’t just randomly decide to do this one day on a whim, I actually had these mayonnaise corn dogs on my list of blog ideas for months before I finally made them.
I made these the same way I made my pulled pork corn dogs and macaroni and cheese corn dogs — by filling the cavities in a silicone popsicle mold with mayonnaise and then freezing it to create mayonnaise popsicles that I dipped in corn dog batter and deep fried.
I then dipped my mayonnaise corn dogs into a mixture of even more mayo and ketchup that I like to refer to as Metchup, which by the way is a way better name than Mayochup, which is what Heinz calls their mayonnaise and ketchup mixture that they bottle and sell.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering if you should actually make these corn dogs please don’t. Just stick with regular corn dogs, or one of the other numerous corn dog recipes I’ve made in the past. Mayo gets super weird and its ingredients start to separate when it freezes and thaws back out and when you add in the warmness from being deep fried it’s just really not a great combination….

Mayonnaise Corn Dogs
- 16 ounces mayonnaise
- 2 quarts oil for frying
- 4 corn dog sticks or chopsticks if you can’t find corn dog sticks
- 1 cup cornmeal
- 1 cup flour
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 4 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/8 teaspoon pepper
- 1 egg
- 1 cup milk
Spoon mayonnaise into your popsicle mold and freeze for an hour or until completely frozen.
Remove the mayonnaise popsicles from the freezer, slide two of them onto each corn dog stick and freeze for another 30 minutes or until the two separate pieces are frozen together.
Heat oil in deep fryer or heavy skillet to 375°F.
In a bowl, combine cornmeal, flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and pepper. Stir in egg and milk.
Transfer corn dog batter to a tall glass and dip the mayonnaise popsicles one by one into the batter.
Fry corn dogs for 2 minutes or until golden brown.
Drain corn dogs on paper towels, and serve with even more mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard or your preferred dipping sauce.
Wonderful cook
December 1, 2022 at 1:55 am (2 years ago)Thanks for sharing this. These corn dogs look great! I love your video! Definitely gonna try soon!!