Searching for "corn dog"

Pancake Shot Glasses

Maple Syrup and Pancake Shot GlassesLike I mentioned with my Corn Dog Doughnuts, usually when something has already been done I’ll shy away from writing about it here on DudeFoods, but this was another idea  that was just way too great to pass up.

Plus, like the brand new doughnut pan that was just sitting in my kitchen cabinet I also had a silicone shot glass mold that I bought a while back that was still begging to be used … CONTINUE READING »

The Top Ten DudeFoods Posts of 2015

The Fruity Pebbles Ice Cream ConeWell, another year is in the books! I can’t believe that it’s already been five years since I started this blog. What’s even more amazing though is that after all these years of deep fried, artery clogging foods I’ve someone managed to only gain about 20 pounds.

I’ve always maintained that my dislike for sweets is what kept me from being morbidly obese, wearing a muumuu and being completely confined to my couch, but the … CONTINUE READING »

The Bucks Best Brat Contest

Brat TacosThe Milwaukee Bucks are currently running a contest called the Bucks Best Brat Contest where fans can submit their crazy bratwurst ideas for a chance to have their brat featured at the BMO Harris Bradley Center concession stands and win four courtside seats to a Bucks game as well as Usinger’s brats for a year.

I came up with a ton of different ideas for the contest, but just couldn’t seem to decide on a … CONTINUE READING »

Hellmann’s Southwestern Ranch Mayonnaise

Hellmann’s Southwestern Ranch Mayonnaise Hellmann’s Southwestern Ranch Mayonnaise I used to be hooked on Hellmann’s mayonnaise. Back in college I went through the stuff like it was water. In fact, I ate so much of it that when referring to water I probably could have said “I go through this stuff like it’s mayonnaise!” and it would have been a fitting comparison.

Seriously though, I used to buy Hellmann’s mayonnaise by the gallon from Sam’s Club. I put it on every single … CONTINUE READING »

Spaghetti Noodle Shot Glasses

Spaghetti Noodle Shot GlassesDo you guys ever watch the show Shark Tank? On it, it seems like almost every entrepreneur who is pitching an idea to the sharks talks about their “aha moment.” The moment when they exclaimed to themselves “There’s gotta be a better way!” Well, that’s exactly how I came up with the idea for these Spaghetti Noodle Shot Glasses!

I was sitting on my couch binge-watching Netflix and eating spaghetti and meatballs one day when … CONTINUE READING »

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