Free Stuff Haiku Reviews: Part 5

It’s time for another round of Free Stuff Haiku Reviews! In case you missed the first, second, third and fourth editions, this is where I combine my love of Japanese poetry with some short reviews of free things that companies have sent me by writing a haiku about each product.

This time around I sampled some pretty awesome stuff, but the flavored cotton candy I received from Fluff It Up and the box of popcorn that Kernel Encore sent me were probably my favorites. First off, I didn’t even know that flavored cotton candy existed until now, but it does and it’s delicious!

As far as popcorn goes, I’ve tried numerous varieties of flavored popcorn in the past, but none have been as creative as the stuff that Kernel Encore comes up with. They offer over 230 flavors ranging from Oreo to French Toast to Loaded Baked Potato. I tried eight of them and just like the cotton candy, I loved them all!

Fluff It Up Cotton CandyThe Product:
Flavored Cotton Candy
from Fluff It Up

The Haiku:
I was not aware,
of flavored cotton candy,
but now I am hooked

Booskerdoo CoffeeThe Product:
Fresh Roasted Coffee
from Booskerdoo Coffee Co.

The Haiku:
I don’t drink coffee,
but this smelled so good I did,
it was really great

Kernel Encore PopcornThe Product:
Flavored Popcorn
from Kernel Encore

The Haiku:
all flavors are good,
they sent me so much popcorn,
and I ate it all

Armadillo Pepper spicy chocolates The Product:
Spicy Chocolates
from Armadillo Pepper

The Haiku:
fed these to my friends,
without mentioning the spice,
it made them real mad

Smart Ones OatmealThe Product:
Microwavable Oatmeal
from Smart Ones

The Haiku:
you are so low cal,
that you do not fill me up,
unless I eat two

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