Bacon Wrapped MorningStar Farms Chik’n Nuggets

Bacon Wrapped MorningStar Farms Chik'n NuggetsI have a couple friends who are vegetarians and they’re always telling me how great the food from MorningStar Farms is and how it tastes just like real meat, so when the company sent me a box of their veggie chicken nuggets I was pretty anxious to give them a try.

After taking one bite however I think that my friends might have forgotten exactly what real meat tastes like. Don’t get me wrong, these Chik’n Nuggets were definitely close in taste to actual chicken nuggets, but they were a little bit chewier and you could definitely tell that they aren’t made with real chicken.

Overall I just felt like the chicken nuggets were missing something, and that “something” was real meat, which is why I wrapped each one with a slice of bacon and threw them back in the oven! Suddenly I had something I could really sink my teeth into! Alright, that was a little corny, but on a serious note, the bacon transformed these chicken nuggets into something completely delicious!

According to the box, these MorningStar Chik’n Nuggets have way fewer calories than regular chicken nuggets, not to mention 40% less fat, so even though I wrapped them in bacon they’re still probably just about as healthy as eating regular, non bacon wrapped chicken nuggets. I mean, I didn’t do the math on it or anything, but that’s just my guess.

If you’re completely against eating meat than these are probably the closest thing you’re going to get to it, but Im guessing that if you don’t eat meat then you’re already more than aware of all the non-meat offerings from MorningStar Farms. As for me, I’m sticking with the real thing from now on!

5 Comments on Bacon Wrapped MorningStar Farms Chik’n Nuggets

  1. Dawn
    February 28, 2013 at 3:16 pm (12 years ago)

    Back about a hundred years ago, my mother tried to get me to eat tofu….(shuddering). I never understood why you would eat something that “tastes like” something else. Especially meat. If you are a vegetarian, why do you want to purchase things that “taste like” meat. Just eat the meat already!!! If you feel the need to eat meat, you are not a vegetarian! I have nothing against vegetarians, my daughter is one. But dont try to get me to eat meat-like vegetable substances. I will just eat the chicken or pork or beef. My body needs protein, and oils to keep it running and lubricated…so I have no problem with eating meat. Just saying….thank you for the article.

    • Dawn
      February 28, 2013 at 3:20 pm (12 years ago)

      I forgot to add: “mmmmm…..bacon….”

    • Sokal
      March 1, 2013 at 12:33 pm (12 years ago)

      Some people may like to emulate the taste of meat without the guilt or environmental implications of actually eating the meat product.

      • Nick
        March 1, 2013 at 12:40 pm (12 years ago)

        Speaking of environmental implications, the one small box of chicken nuggets that they sent me came inside a giant styrofoam box filled with ice packs, which I thought was sort of funny.
        MorningStar Box

  2. Poco
    February 28, 2013 at 11:24 pm (12 years ago)

    I’m not a vegetarian, but Morningstar makes a pretty good corn dog. And, as you said, it’s got way less fat and sodium than the real thing. I’ll eat them now and then when I’m trying to drop a couple pounds.


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