The Seven Second Beer Challenge

Todd English P.U.B.Do you like free beer? I certainly do, and that’s why I made a stop at Todd English P.U.B. when I was in Las Vegas earlier this month. You see, they have a little challenge there called “Beat The Glass” where you can pick any tap beer they offer and if you can finish it in under seven seconds it’s free.

The challenge is actually a little more difficult than it sounds. The way it works is that you start with your pint glass on the bar and once the bartender says “go” and flips the hour glass (they have hour glasses that have seven seconds worth of sand in them) you have to slam your beer and have your empty glass back on the bar before all the sand reaches the bottom. What happens if you can’t do it? You pay full price for your beer, which was about $8 or $9 for most of their tap beers.

We were at the bar for about an hour and out of all the people that attempted the challenge I’d say that only about half of them finished their beers in under seven seconds. My buddy Neumann actually tried twice, once with Pabst and once with Guinness, and failed both times. When it came time for me to give it a shot I decided to go with a Guinness for my beer as well. I know that Guinness isn’t a beer that you’d normally associate with chugging, but I’ve thrown back a pretty decent amount of Irish Car Bombs in my life and those always seem to go down fairly easy so I figured it was a safe bet. Was I successful? Watch the video below to find out!

3 Comments on The Seven Second Beer Challenge

  1. Hertzey
    February 24, 2011 at 2:22 pm (14 years ago)

    I am not much of a bear drinker, but that is awesome. I love the Star Wars intro!

  2. Tampa Bay Food Monster
    March 1, 2011 at 6:46 pm (14 years ago)

    awesome!! so awesome. god i love this. of course, a bit disappointed you didn’t go all six episodes. but still, awesome.

    • Nick
      March 2, 2011 at 9:55 am (14 years ago)

      I totally would have, but they limit you to two free beers per night and we never made it back there the rest of the weekend. If you could do it as many times as you wanted I probably would have just sat there all night.


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