Homeless Person Vodka Reviews

Edward and his ODDKA VodkaI mentioned a couple weeks back that ODDKA Vodka recently sent me five of their new flavors to try out. They were also nice enough to include some recipes, but the problem with the recipes was that a majority of them included things like rose water or cardamom — things that I either didn’t have or just flat out didn’t even know what they were.

So, I decided to take the vodka to the streets instead! Oh, and by “streets” what I really mean is “homeless people,” because honestly, who knows more about drinking than homeless people right?

I headed to downtown Milwaukee where within minutes I met Edward, who described his favorite drink as “anything I can get my hands on.” I asked him if he’d be interested in reviewing some new vodka flavors with me and told him that I’d even pay him $20 for his time. “Wait, so you’re gonna pay me to drink vodka with you!?” was his initial reaction.

He definitely seemed a little leery at first, but after I assured him that yes, all I really wanted to do was hang out with him and drink some ODDKA Vodka he instantly warmed up to me.

In the 30 minutes that followed Edward and I talked about life, our aspirations for the future — he was looking forward to getting the boot off of his broken foot before winter hit so he could finally wear a shoe again — and sampled all five of of ODDKA Vodka’s new flavors.

Out of the five flavors we tried — Apple Pie, Electricity, Fresh Cut Grass, Caramel Popcorn and Wasabi —  my favorite was Apple Pie, Edward’s was Wasabi. “Woo woo! That stuff has some kick!” he exclaimed as he took a swig of it.

Edward also had some strong thoughts about the Fresh Cut Grass prior to tasting it. “Fresh cut grass? Why the hell would you wanna drink fresh cut grass?” he questioned. After trying it he changed his tune however…. “Now normally I never would have tried a flavor called Fresh Cut Grass, but you know what? This stuff is alright! They gotta do something about that name though….”

So, there you have it folks! According to Edward ODDKA makes some pretty decent tasting vodka. Right now I know that you’re probably inundated with the ridiculous amount of flavored vodkas out there, but the next time you see ODDKA Vodka at your local liquor store or watering hole you might just wanna give them a try!

16 Comments on Homeless Person Vodka Reviews

  1. AJ
    September 23, 2013 at 8:58 am (11 years ago)

    Classic! Hats off to you Nick!

  2. Olivia at ohmy Olivia
    September 23, 2013 at 10:10 am (11 years ago)

    Not going to lie, I REALLY want to try grass vodka. xo

  3. Noodlez
    September 24, 2013 at 7:23 pm (11 years ago)

    If something ever called for video this was it!

  4. Sara @bellyrumbles
    September 27, 2013 at 2:40 am (11 years ago)

    I personally feel the same way as Edward regarding fresh cut grass, really want to try it now, but I don’t think it is availab

    • Sara @bellyrumbles
      September 27, 2013 at 2:41 am (11 years ago)

      I was saying, available in Australia 🙂 Damn laptop comment gremlins.

  5. Najee
    October 3, 2013 at 12:04 pm (11 years ago)

    I love your reviews Nick, you’ve inspired me to start on my own site: coming soon

    • Nick
      October 3, 2013 at 5:50 pm (11 years ago)

      Awesome! Let me know when you start it. I’d love to check it out!

  6. Kate
    December 17, 2013 at 1:16 pm (11 years ago)

    I really liked your blog until this post was made. I was my favorite food blog. I think this review is incredibly exploitative and insensitive. I’ve checked back over and over hoping you’d comment that it was a hoax or realizing how demeaning it all sounds. I think it’s really sad that you’d poke fun at alcoholism as a symptom of homelessness, and literally a specific human being for the sake of a blog post.

    • Nick
      December 17, 2013 at 1:19 pm (11 years ago)

      A local magazine actually took issue with it as well and asked me for a comment on it and here’s what I had to say about it:

      “Why would you consider this exploitative? Because a homeless gentleman was paid for his time to hang out and review some vodka with me? Had I held a gun to his head and made him drink it then, yeah, definitely exploitative, but he made a conscious decision to hang out and have a couple drinks with me and we both had a great time. He could have just as easily said ‘no thanks,’ and I wouldn’t have done it. How is it any different than me having any other person review vodka? It isn’t unless you just automatically assume that any homeless person must be an alcoholic and is incapable of making decisions for himself, and if that’s the case you should probably explore why it is that you think that way.”

      • Kate
        December 17, 2013 at 5:31 pm (11 years ago)

        No see here the rub: How is it different ? Because You actively sought out a homeless man, on the sweeping generalization, to quote from your own writing “who knows more about drinking than homeless people”. You did not offer to pay him and give him drinks becuse you saw him as any other person, you approached becuse he was homeless, and no other reason. That was your clever gimmick, otherwise what would be the title of your article here?
        His agreeing or disagreeing to your offer has nothing to do with whether or not your intent was exploitative. People agree to be exploited all the time and are unaware of it or simply don’t care. That does not make it right.

        Exploitation by definition is to treat one unfairly in order to gain from it. If you think you treated this man fairly and with respect by simply paying him twenty dollars, then in the very same article making his situation into a joke maybe you should explore why it is that you think that way.
        I certainly did not imply that all Homeless people are alcoholic, I referred to it a a symptom of homelessness. Your article however say it explicitly.

        • Nick
          December 18, 2013 at 8:24 am (11 years ago)

          I absolutely think I treated him fairly. He knew my intent from the start and was totally fine with it. If I had gone up to him and said “hey man, I’ll pay you $20 to reshingle the roof on my house” I can guarantee that he would have passed. Why? Because homeless or not, all that work probably wouldn’t be worth $20 to him.

          It probably would have been the same if I walked up to a lawyer or doctor who normally makes $100 an hour. If I had offered them $20 to hang out with me for a little while and sample and review some vodka they most likely wouldn’t do it because it simply wouldn’t be worth their time.

          In this specific situation Edward decided that $20 for the amount of work I asked him to do was definitely with his time.

        • Mike
          February 12, 2014 at 6:53 pm (11 years ago)


          Great article. Amusing, informative, and it wasn’t even exploitative! To some over sensitive people who don’t see the humor in anything, and are only looking for ways to call something “racist” or “exploitative”, this might not be the case. Those people can buzz off though (Kate), and you are lucky they will no longer be reading your website.

  7. Phil
    February 3, 2014 at 5:08 am (11 years ago)

    Kate is right.
    It doesn’t matter how much money you gave him.
    It’s the fact that you were especially looking for a homeless person because “they know about drinking”.

  8. C
    March 5, 2014 at 10:14 am (11 years ago)

    I have to say that while I think your blog is great, this post was really tacky…

    Particularly this bit: “So, I decided to take the vodka to the streets instead! Oh, and by “streets” what I really mean is “homeless people,” because honestly, who knows more about drinking than homeless people right?”

    I suppose if I didn’t know where I was going to lay my head every night, I’d drink too… Since I have the honor and privilege of being raised in middle class to wealthy neighborhoods, connected to people with means, I have never had to think about that. I guess I would shy away from comments like that because I know I have been lucky capitalizing on blog about a national epidemic from a place of privilege is kind of tacky.

  9. Bob
    March 26, 2014 at 7:43 am (11 years ago)


    I suspect that if you offered the homeless money to sample a free meal, you would be “exploitative” because we all know that homeless people are always looking for a free meal. You Bastard! Next thing you’d be paying them to try out clothing, cigarettes, and other things the normal human beings do. You should force them to suffer more in their homelessness so that they will suddenly become un-homeless in order to have a cocktail. For those with no sense of humor, that is sarcasm (go screw yourselves). I know what it is like to be poor, down, and out. I think the problems of the homeless transcend mere alcohol, even though you (those that should screw themselves) think it’s a sin. It sound’s to me like you made Edward’s day, Nick (or should I call you Heisenberg). You listened to him, valued his opinion, and gave him the opportunity to try something new. You are a good person.

  10. Marlene
    July 14, 2014 at 1:56 pm (11 years ago)

    I loved, loved, loved this!


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