Is it just me or does it seem like every single day it’s a different National (insert some random food item here) Day? It could be that it just seems that way to me or who knows, maybe Facebook and Instagram are behind it as a way to get people to share more photos and in turn generate more traffic and as a result more ad sales for their sites. I mean, if the greeting card industry can just make up holidays at will I don’t see why a multibillion-dollar company can’t do the same. Either way, today is National Monte Cristo Day.
If you’re unfamiliar with this amazing sandwich it’s basically a variation of the French croque-monsieur — although if you have no idea what a Monte Cristo is I’m not sure why you’d be familiar with a croque-monsieur — that’s pan fried or deep fried and consists of cheese — usually Gruyère — and ham. It’s also often topped with powdered sugar and served with jam.
To celebrate this amazing sandwich the fine folks over at Foodbeast A.K.A. the biggest and best food news website in the entire world asked a bunch of food bloggers and cooks to “Fundamentally reimagine a Monte Cristo.” So here’s mine….
To create these Deep Fried Monte Cristo Balls I took slices of bread, removed the crusts and then placed them in the palm of my hand with ham and cubes of Gruyère cheese on top of them. I then rolled them into balls, brushed them with an egg wash and dropped them in my deep fryer until they were golden brown. After that I sprinkled them with powdered sugar, dipped them in some jam and dug in! They turned out pretty decent looking and as far as taste goes they were delicious!