If there’s one thing I love more than eating food it’s getting a great deal on food. Every Wednesday from 2 – 8pm Colonel Hart’s in Wauwatosa features half price appetizers. I was there one evening with some friends enjoying some mini tacos, mozzarella sticks, fries and chicken tenders when I got to the last chicken tender in the basket and noticed that it looked just like a bear!
My first inclination was to just finish my food and eat the bear shaped chicken tender (or “bear tender” as my friend Curt named it), but after thinking about how foods like a grilled cheese sandwich with burn marks that resembles the Virgin Mary or a corn flake shaped like the state of Illinois routinely sell for big bucks on eBay I suddenly had a new plan, so I wrapped the chicken tender up in a napkin and put it in my car until we left the bar later that night. When I got home I put in in a Ziploc bag inside my freezer where it now sits until I can hopefully sell it on eBay for enough money to pay for many more nights of half priced appetizers.