Archive of ‘Everything Else’ category

The Seven Second Beer Challenge

Todd English P.U.B.Do you like free beer? I certainly do, and that’s why I made a stop at Todd English P.U.B. when I was in Las Vegas earlier this month. You see, they have a little challenge there called “Beat The Glass” where you can pick any tap beer they offer and if you can finish it in under seven seconds it’s free.

The challenge is actually a little more difficult than it sounds. The way it … CONTINUE READING »

A Video For My Livejournal Doubter

I recently came across a post on Livejournal written by a girl who goes by the name “Thistle_Chaser” who couldn’t decide whether or not DudeFoods was real or a joke. According to her, it must be fake because no one can eat the amount of food that I do. She specifically pointed out my Milwaukee Brewers tailgate post and said that the amount of food I ate that day “just seems impossible.” She even doubted … CONTINUE READING »

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