Searching for "terrible pr emails"

Terrible PR Emails: Part Three

Terrible PR Emails: Part ThreeBack in 2012 I started a series of posts  alright, technically it was only two posts total, but whatever   where I took terrible PR emails that got sent to DudeFoods, posted screenshots of them and made fun of them.

I always planned on making it a regular thing, but like all my amazing DudeFoods ideas that I’m constantly coming up with my laziness got the best of me and the next thing you … CONTINUE READING »

Terrible PR Emails: Part One

Red MangoBeing a blogger I get tons of emails from companies and PR people trying to pitch me on why I should write about their restaurant or food product. Most of them are really well written and have nothing wrong with them at all, but every once in a while though one comes along that just sort of makes me laugh.

I get emails inviting me to events in states that are 900 miles away. I’ve … CONTINUE READING »